Thursday 10 June 2010

BP energy statistics: the world in oil consumption, reserves and energy production

BP energy statistics: the world in oil consumption, reserves and energy production: "

The annual audit of the world's energy supply from BP is out today. See what it says
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BP may be struggling to manage the Deepwater Horizon oil spill but its publication of key energy data goes on. The latest figures from BP's annual Statistical Review of World Energy show that world oil consumption fell by 1.2m barrels per day (bpd) in 2009, the second consecutive annual decline and the largest volume since 1982.

Other key findings are:

• The world's oil production dropped by 2m bpd, or 2.6% - also the largest decline since 1982
• Global oil refining capacity additions totalled 2m bpd, with the Asia-Pacific region accounting for 80% of the increase
• Proven oil reserves stood at 1.33 trillion barrels last year, an increase of 700,000m barrels from 2008
• Gas reserves grew by 2.21tn cubic metres last year, while production fell by 2.1%, marking the first decline on record

You can download the full and complete spreadsheet of data direct from BP - it's an amazing insight to the world's consumption and production of energy.

We've extracted a few of the key tables for you and added in ISO country codes so you can start to play with them.

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